About Me

Hey there, I’m Ricardo. You can call me Rick, for short.

I’m an IT student currently enrolled at WGU working on getting my Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering. My dream is to become a full-fledged developer one day, working to craft innovative solutions and share fun things on the internet.

I try to post at least once a week, but occasionally will go on long hiatuses due to school and life in general. I’m still fairly new to software development so take anything you read here with a grain of salt. During the day, I work as the lead support analyst for a software company.

This blog is my space for sharing anything that I find interesting while studying at WGU. It is also my own method of tracking how far I’m progressing as a developer.

I’m not always available during the day, but I tend to check my email at night.

You can reach me here:
