HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
It is the language that web browsers can understand natively out of the box. The term hypertext
refers to text displayed on a computer or electronic device that contains links to other texts. These “hyperlinks” can access other documents, and are typically activated by a mouse click or screen touch.
For example: this sentence is a hyperlink.

Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist, is credited with inventing HTML in the late 1980s and early 1990s. While working at CERN in Switzerland, Berners-Lee envisioned a system to facilitate information sharing and collaboration among researchers across the globe. His initial proposal, outlined in a document titled “Information Management: A Proposal,” described a distributed hypertext system that would allow users to navigate and access documents stored on different computers.
Today, you cannot get away with developing for the web if you do not understand or properly learn to structure web pages using HTML first.
Learn HTML by following the course content below
- Introduction
- Elements, Tags & Attributes
- Meta Tags
- Block-level vs Inline
- Semantic Tags
- Forms
- Lists
- Tables
- Images & Multimedia
- Comments
- Additional Resources