Hello world!

Welcome everyone! This is the start of this blog. A lot of what you’ll find here will be programming-related. Mainly, I’ll be writing about life as a software engineering student and what it’s like to go from zero knowledge of coding to becoming a full-fledged dev.

For a long time, I used to think that programming was not for me. I was never really good at Math in school and I just didn’t consider myself to be smart enough to pick up a career in programming. However, even though it’s true that programming will be a challenging pursuit, like anything in life, it can be mastered with enough time and dedication. So, in 2023, I have decided to fully commit and challenge myself to finally learn how to program. I know it’s going to be a steep learning curve, but in the end, I know that it’ll be worth it.

In the upcoming days, I’ll probably talk about the final next steps of my admission process to Western Governors University. I’m eagerly awaiting the results of my FAFSA application to determine if I’m eligible for federal aid. If I’m not, that’s okay. With my current savings, I should be able to cover the cost of at least one full term.

As for the content of this blog, expect a mix of personal insights, coding anecdotes, and reflections on my educational experience.

It’s not going to be easy, but I am determined to make it work. With my busy work schedule, I’ll have to devote my nights to studying. But I believe that with discipline and persistence, I can make decent progress and get closer to my goal of being a full-fledged programmer.

A self-hosted WordPress install seemed like an obvious first choice when it came to creating this blog. Who knows, perhaps we’ll migrate to a different platform in the future (maybe self-hosted and Gatsby?). For now, this is where you’ll find my posts.

Until next time!


— Last Updated on September 5, 2024


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